



The Screen Actors Guild has been around many years, but is one of the youngest guilds in terms of giving awards. This marks their 20th year. Below are our predictions on who we think will win the SAG film awards along with comments on why we made our decisions. The honors will be handed out Saturday night.

These can be either the most accurate forecasters of Oscar glory or the least accurate, all depending on how much influence the TV voters have on the outcomes. Also, with a limited longevity, they tend to reach out to actors that they have never had a chance to honor. We’ll see how they do after the night is over. Of course, even if they go left field, their choices could shift the direction of the Academy’s decisions.


Best Cast

12 Years a Slave (Peter, Tripp, RU:Wesley)
American Hustle (Wesley, RU:Peter, RU:Tripp)
August: Osage County
Dallas Buyers Club
Lee Daniels’ The Butler

Wesley Lovell: There are typically two types of films that win this award, the one with the largest cast and the one the SAG voters consider the best film. This year either could occur. While The Butler is the largest cast, there are four casts with more than 10 cast members nominated, making it easier for the group to pick their favorite film. American Hustle may have the edge because of the number of big name stars on the list, but they could also pick 12 Years a Slave and give it a huge boost towards Best Picture at the Oscars.
Peter J. Patrick: Either of these Oscar front-runners could win, but I give the edge to 12 Years.
Tripp Burton: I know most people seem to feel like this is American Hustle’s award to lose, but that 12 Years a Slave cast list is so deep and so heavy that I see it squeaking out here.

Best Actor

Bruce Dern – Nebraska
Chiwetel Ejiofor – 12 Years a Slave (Peter, RU:Wesley, RU:Tripp)
Tom Hanks – Captain Phillips
Matthew McConaughey – Dallas Buyers Club (Wesley, Tripp, RU:Peter)
Forest Whitaker – Lee Daniels’ The Butler

Wesley Lovell: Although Tom Hanks is a huge star, this prize will likely go to Matthew McConaughey. He’s been leading most of the season and I don’t see a reason SAG doesn’t pick him.
Peter J. Patrick: Could go either way, but I give the edge to Ejiofor.
Tripp Burton: McConaughey’s transformation is big and showy, and in the middle of his career resurgence, he should win over his fellow actors pretty easily here.

Best Actress

Cate Blanchett – Blue Jasmine (Wesley, Peter, Tripp)
Sandra Bullock – Gravity (RU:Wesley)
Judi Dench – Philomena (RU:Peter)
Meryl Streep – August: Osage County
Emma Thompson – Saving Mr. Banks (RU:Tripp)

Wesley Lovell: She has won almost everything in sight and I don’t see her stopping here.
Peter J. Patrick: Blanchett is on a roll, Dench is the most likely to upset if there is one.
Tripp Burton: Cate Blanchett is running the tables, and will probably continue that run here. If not, it is because of the widespread, populist appeal of Saving Mr. Banks slowed her down.

Best Supporting Actor

Barkhad Abdi – Captain Phillips
Daniel Bruhl – Rush
Michael Fassbender – 12 Years a Slave (RU:Wesley, RU:Peter)
James Gandolfini – Enough Said (RU:Tripp)
Jared Leto – Dallas Buyers Club (Wesley, Peter, Tripp)

Wesley Lovell: While Michael Fassbender is a bigger film star and James Gandolfini will undoubtedly have the support of the SAG voters who work primarily in television, Leto has been winning at almost every turn, so I don’t suspect he’ll miss out here.
Peter J. Patrick: Leto is on a roll, but Fassbender is overdue and could upset.
Tripp Burton: I still see Jared Leto as being a weaker frontrunner than everyone assumes, but I have a hard time finding an alternate for him. Here, the always loved by SAG Gandolfini (who already has 5 of these) could become a sentimental favorite for one last prize.

Best Supporting Actress

Jennifer Lawrence – American Hustle (Wesley, Tripp, RU:Peter)
Lupita Nyong’o – 12 Years a Slave (Peter, RU:Wesley, RU:Tripp)
Julia Roberts – August: Osage County
June Squibb – Nebraska
Oprah Winfrey – Lee Daniels’ The Butler

Wesley Lovell: While I’d love to say Lupita Nyong’o is a clear choice, Jennifer Lawrence is a huge star and apart from jealousy, it’s very likely SAG voters go for her a second time.
Peter J. Patrick: Class should out on this one.
Tripp Burton: In the tightest race of the night, popular favorite Jennifer Lawrence and critical favorite Lupita Nyong’o go head to head. My instinct is to bet on the popular favorite, but if enough actors see Nyong’o’s sudden rise to fame as inspiration she could pick up some extra votes.

Best Stunt Cast

All Is Lost
Fast & Furious 6 (Tripp, RU:Wesley, RU:Peter)
Lone Survivor
Rush (Wesley, Peter, RU:Tripp)
The Wolverine

Wesley Lovell: This is always a tough category to predict since there are no clear guidelines for who is chosen. I’m going with Rush because it’s a film that favors the seldom recognized stunt car drivers. Of course, I could be entirely wrong and any of these are possible.
Peter J. Patrick: I’m taking a wild guess on this one.
Tripp Burton: You’re guess is as good as mine.

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