




Two of the worst actors at choosing projects team up with the wrong project.


Plot Summary: A wealthy couple and their daughter are held hostage in their valuable estate as a group of desperate thugs threaten to kill them if they don’t give them everything in the money-filled safe. The coup0le fight back.
Release Date: October 14, 2011



Rating: C-
Commentary: I can’t really see how this poster really sells the film. Other than Nicole Kidman and Nicolas Cage, there’s nothing of interest in the design. It’s just a bland, flavorless piece.
Rating: B
Commentary: Cage hasn’t had a good role in years and I don’t think this will be one. Kidman is even looking a bit threadbare here in terms of performance. The only thing making this look interesting is the opening sequences when you’re struggling to figure out how they’ll escape. Then it’s revealed the couple will be fighting the gunman and then it starts to fall apart.
Preview Link: CLICK HERE for link to the trailer, more posters (if available) and other commentary not featured here.
Oscar Chances: None.

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