




The film will inevitably not live up to its name.

Pitch Perfect

Plot Summary: A new student with vocal chops is asked to join a glee group to help them win competition, but she recognizes they aren’t ready and fights to prepare them to win.
Release Date: October 5, 2012



Rating: C-
Commentary: Bridesmaids takes on a punky exterior. Never the most inventive decision, just like Bridesmaids‘ poster wasn’t when it came out.
Rating: B-
Commentary: Anna Kendrick might be able to sell this big screen version of Glee. This music comedy doesn’t have many positive elements going for it other than the neat-sounding modernist adaptations of old songs, but that’s been done a lot before.
Preview Link: CLICK HERE for link to the trailer, more posters (if available) and other commentary not featured here.
Oscar Chances: None.

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