




You thought Hugo was a love letter to cinema? Hitchcock looks far more intriguing and its based in reality.


Plot Summary: As Alfred Hitchcock battles studio reluctance in the helming of his new film Psycho, Hitch and his wife struggle through doubt and frustration as their marriage is tested by a harrowing shoot Hitch’s ego problems.
Release Date: November 23, 2012



Rating: A-
Commentary: An homage to the classic design of many Hitchcock masterpieces, this poster serves up every ounce of fan-admiring verve it can.
Rating: A
Commentary: Early in the trailer, I was lukewarm to Anthony Hopkins’ performance as Hitchcock. While he has the general look of A.H., the voice was far too distinctly himself. As the trailer moves on, the physical performance seems on target and you finally have an opportunity to relish the exciting imagery provided and the chance look in depth at Hitchcock, his life, his work, his wife and their relationship.
Preview Link: CLICK HERE for link to the trailer, more posters (if available) and other commentary not featured here.
Oscar Chances: Anthony Hopkins has already earned buzz for his work as Hitchcock. Helen Mirren could easily snag a nomination for her role as his wife. Scarlett Johansson could secure consideration in Supporting Actress as Janet Leigh and the film could play a role in a number of categories I hadn’t previously expected.

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