




Trailer #2, Poster #4


Plot Summary: From IMDb: “A giant radioactive monster called Godzilla appears to wreak destruction on mankind.”
Release Date: May 16, 2014



Rating: C+
Commentary: (#4) This is a much more traditional look that its predecessors, demanding attention for its colossal “protagonist,” while diminishing the creative spirit previously employed.
Rating: B+
Commentary: (#2) Perhaps not as interesting as the first, we are teased still teased and excited for the film. Voice over, even if speech from the film, isn’t the best way to create tension. The trailer then has to rely on quick teases of the creature’s look to make it more enticing, though by now the look is pretty much spoiled.
Preview Link: CLICK HERE for link to the trailer, more posters (if available) and other commentary not featured here.
Oscar Chances: See Previous Preview

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