



Here’s what happened today in Oscar History.





1892: Otho Lovering (75 at death)

  {1 Nom, 0 Wins}
     Oscar Nominee: Editing

1895: A. W. Watkins (74 at death)

  {4 Noms, 0 Wins}
     Oscar Nominee: Sound/Sound Mixing

1901: William Daniels (68 at death) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  {4 Noms, 1 Win}
     Oscar Winner: Cinematography (Black-and-White)
     Oscar Nominee: Cinematography, Cinematography (Black-and-White), Cinematography (Color)

1927: Abby Mann (80 at death) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  {2 Noms, 1 Win}
     Oscar Winner: Adapted Screenplay
     Oscar Nominee: Adapted Screenplay

1935: Woody Allen (87) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  {24 Noms, 4 Wins}
     Oscar Winner: Directing, Original Screenplay
     Oscar Nominee: Directing, Actor, Original Screenplay

1937: Bruce Brown (80 at death) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  {1 Nom, 0 Wins}
     Oscar Nominee: Documentary Feature

1940: Richard Pryor (65 at death) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  { Noms, Wins}

     Academy Awards Host: 49th-Co, 55th-Co | 2 times

1944: Noëlle Boisson (78) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  {1 Nom, 0 Wins}
     Oscar Nominee: Editing

1945: Bette Midler (77) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  {2 Noms, 0 Wins}
     Oscar Nominee: Actress

1966: Andrew Adamson (56) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  {1 Nom, 0 Wins}
     Oscar Nominee: Animated Feature

1966: Mark Taylor (56) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  {4 Noms, 0 Wins}
     Oscar Nominee: Sound/Sound Mixing

1980: Vincent Lambe (42) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  {1 Nom, 0 Wins}
     Oscar Nominee: Live Action Short Film

1982: Riz Ahmed (40) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  {2 Noms, 1 Win}
     Oscar Winner: Live Action Short Film
     Oscar Nominee: Actor, Live Action Short Film


1949: Fred Fox (65)

  {1 Nom, 1 Win}
     Oscar Winner: Assistant Directing
     Oscar Nominee: Assistant Directing

1954: Fred Rose (57) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  {1 Nom, 0 Wins}
     Oscar Nominee: Original Song

1985: Irving Jacoby (76) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  {1 Nom, 0 Wins}
     Oscar Nominee: Live Action Short Film

1986: Frank McCarthy (74) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  {2 Noms, 1 Win}
     Oscar Winner: Picture
     Oscar Nominee: Picture

1998: Freddie A. Young (96) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  {5 Noms, 3 Wins}
     Oscar Winner: Cinematography, Cinematography (Color)
     Oscar Nominee: Cinematography, Cinematography (Color)

2001: Danilo Donati (75) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  {5 Noms, 2 Wins}
     Oscar Winner: Costume Design
     Oscar Nominee: Costume Design, Costume Design (Black-and-White)

2004: Norman Newell (85) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  {1 Nom, 0 Wins}
     Oscar Nominee: Original Song


1934: Flirtation Walk (88) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  {2 Noms, 0 Wins @ 1934 Academy Awards}
     Oscar Nominee: Picture, Sound Recording

1948: The Adventures of Don Juan (74) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  {2 Noms, 1 Win @ 1949 Academy Awards}
     Oscar Winner: Costume Design (Color)     Oscar Nominee: Art Direction/Production Design (Color), Costume Design (Color)

1958: The Buccaneer (64) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  {1 Nom, 0 Wins @ 1958 Academy Awards}
     Oscar Nominee: Costume Design

1983: Job’s Revolt (39) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  {1 Nom, 0 Wins @ 1983 Academy Awards}
     Oscar Nominee: Foreign Language Film

1984: Beverly Hills Cop (38) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  {1 Nom, 0 Wins @ 1984 Academy Awards}
     Oscar Nominee: Original Screenplay

1993: Schindler’s List (29) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  {12 Noms, 7 Wins @ 1993 Academy Awards}
     Oscar Winner: Picture, Directing (Steven Spielberg), Adapted Screenplay, Original Score, Editing, Cinematography, Art Direction/Production Design     Oscar Nominee: Picture, Directing (Steven Spielberg), Actor (Liam Neeson), Supporting Actor (Ralph Fiennes), Adapted Screenplay, Original Score, Editing, Cinematography, Art Direction/Production Design, Costume Design, Makeup, Sound

2017: The Disaster Artist (5) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  {1 Nom, 0 Wins @ 2017 Academy Awards}
     Oscar Nominee: Adapted Screenplay

2017: The Shape of Water (5) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  {13 Noms, 4 Wins @ 1931/32 Academy Awards}
     Oscar Winner: Picture, Directing (Guillermo del Toro), Original Score, Production Design     Oscar Nominee: Picture, Directing (Guillermo del Toro), Actress (Sally Hawkins), Supporting Actor (Richard Jenkins), Supporting Actress (Octavia Spencer), Original Screenplay, Original Score, Editing, Cinematography, Production Design, Costume Design, Sound Mixing, Sound Editing

2021: Hand of God (1) [Pictured (hover to see)]

  {1 Nom, 0 Wins @ 2021 Academy Awards}
     Oscar Nominee: International Feature

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