Two weeks ago, I posted (link here: my intentions for this feature going forward and asked for everyone’s input on which categories we would follow. There was at least support for all of the categories except the documentary and short film categories. That’s likely because those winners aren’t always easy to find. Every other category batch had 2 or more selections out of 8 votes. Strangely, Best Picture only got 5 votes and Best Directing got 7. It’s a very strange discrepancy.
Since I don’t have a way to see the final breakdown, what I’m going to do is try and do all of the categories with at least one vote, but break them down so that we have different batches going at the same time so as to prevent category burn out. I will also give the feature another week’s rest while I create the list for tracking and ordering all of the contests so that if others are going to participate, they have a chance to vote as well.
This feature will take a very long time to complete. Do we do one category at a time or one from each category every week? How many contests per winner? These are important questions, so below are three more polls. Please note that in two of these, you can multiple them together to find out just how many polls will be done each week.
This first poll is to determine how many contests for each winner every week.

This second poll is to determine how many categories we look at each week. Anything less than 19 will requiring rotating the categories out every few weeks.

This third poll is to determine whether we combine all of the writing categories together or if we break down by original and adapted screenplays. Please note that the

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