This is a Resurfaced review written in 2002 or earlier. For more information, please visit this link: Resurfaced Reviews.
Wag the Dog
Barry Levinson
Hilary Henkin, David Mamet (Book: Larry Beinhart)
1h 37m
Dustin Hoffman, Robert De Niro, Anne Heche, Woody Harrelson, Denis Leary, Willie Nelson, Andrea Martin, Michael Belson, Suzanne Cryer, John Michael Higgins, Suzie Plakson, Kirsten Dunst
MPAA Rating
Basic Plot
Just days before the election President of the United States is caught up in a scandal. What can be done to save him before the nearing elections? “A Pageant.” Conrad Brean is brought in to size up the situation and get the President reelected. How? By creating the appearance of a war.
Wag the Dog is a fascinating look behind the scenes of Presidential protection in Washington. Of course this is an entirely fictious look, but with great acting and scripting, Barry Levinson’s biting satire seems very real and very unique.
Starring Robert De Niro as the spin doctor creating a war to divert attention from a sex scandal against the President. Dustin Hoffman is the Hollywood producer he asks to produce his ‘pageant.’ Anne Heche is the naive aide who assists De Niro in fooling a country.
De Niro doesn’t feel right, but Hoffman and Heche are absolutely wonderful in a brilliant ensemble. Other notable appearances are SCTV alumnus Andrea Martin, Kirsten Dunst, Denis Leary and Willie Nelson.
The dialogue itself is impressive not to mention witty and clever. A sure fire nominee for Best Adapted Screenplay at the Oscars, David Mamet and Hilary Henkin should be commended.
It’s extremely hard to describe the film without giving away key plot elements. So I’ll simply let the movie explain itself and recommend it highly for anyone interested in satirical filmmaking.
Awards Prospects
Dustin Hoffman has a shot at an Oscar nomination, but will most likely not get it. However, an Adapted Screenplay nod is almost assured.
Review Written
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