



We had one film release this past weekend with the potential for Oscar nominations.

Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit

When you look for Oscar contenders, it’s important to look beyond the high profile, message movies and give films that have a chance at tech nominations a look. Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit is a spy thriller that follows the mold of the Bourne franchise, which had luck with Oscar voters.

The film, starring Chris Pine, was originally supposed to release at the end of 2013, but was held back so it could be completed. When holding a film back means it gets released in the doldrums of the year, it’s probably not very good and wasn’t likely to be the box office hit the studio original believed when they green-lighted it. While box office success and critical acclaim aren’t required for a film to be an Oscar contender, being remembered is.

The film has already released and was not the number one film at the box office, losing to a buddy cop comedy. That alone will make it more difficult to remember and with so many films fitting into the Sound Mixing/Sound Editing wheelhouse destined for theaters this Summer, the film will be lucky to be remembered past March at this point. Its Oscar chances are definitely minimal to non-existent at this point.

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