Page Revisions:
(September 4, 2022) Original
(November 20, 2022) New Posters (#2-#4) — New Release Date (changed from 12.30.22)
(November 27, 2022) New Trailer (#2) — New Poster (#5)
Release Date:
November 25, 2022
From IMDb: “White Noise dramatizes a contemporary American family’s attempts to deal with the mundane conflicts of everyday life while grappling with the universal mysteries of love, death, and the possibility of happiness in an uncertain world.”
Poster Rating: C+ / B- (3) / B-
Review: (#1) You almost get the feeling of what the film’s about, but not enough of a feeling to make it appealing.
(#2-#4) This trio of character posters evokes a sense of time period, but do little else to elicit excitement from the viewer.
(#5) An interesting look at the world of the film and the characters’ potential path out of the city. There are ultimately too many details here.
Trailer Rating: C+ / B
Review: (#1) You almost get the sense that this is an indie drama set during a pending apocalypse, but the trailer never quite succeeds at giving the audience an idea of why they should be interested.
(#2) Disaster films are usually big, bombastic affairs, but it’s sometimes these smaller efforts that are more interesting and this trailer does a fine job suggesting the droll comic touch might be just what the film needs to pull in an audience.
Oscar Prospects:
It might be a contender for acting and writing, but the film is already a bit contentious in certain circles.
Trailer #1
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