Page Revisions:
(September 8, 2019) Original
(November 3, 2019) New Trailer (#2) / New Poster (#1)
(November 10, 2019) New Relase Date (changed from 11/1/19)
Release Date:
November 15, 2019
From IMDb: “Two young couples navigate through the emotional minefield of growing up and falling in love.”
Poster Rating: C
Review: The sole element of interest is where the waves are seemingly spilling under the bench, but it becomes too easy to recognize the image being superimposed and not feeling a part of the scene, which creates a bit of a disconnect.
Trailer Rating: C+ / B-
Review: (#1) A functional trailer that presents what appears to be a functional drama, but that’s not very interesting.
(#2) The first trailer is hard to identify with, but the second gives us an idea of what the core theme of the film will be, but offers hints that there’s more to it all.
Oscar Prospects:
The response form the festival circuit has been incredibly positive even if the trailer makes the film look unimpressive. This could be one of the year’s major contenders.
Trailer #1
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