Page Revisions:
(July 21, 2019) Original
(December 22, 2019) New Trailer (#2) / New Poster (#2) / Synopsis Updated
(April 3, 2022) New Trailer (#3) — New Poster (#3) — New Release Date (changed from 6.26.20)
(May 22, 2022) New Posters (#4-#19)
Release Date:
May 27, 2022
From IMDb: “After more than thirty years of service as one of the Navy’s top aviators, Pete Mitchell is where he belongs, pushing the envelope as a courageous test pilot and dodging the advancement in rank that would ground him.”
Poster Rating: C+ / C / C / C- / B / C- (4) / C (9) / B-
Review: (#1) Fans may be instantly drawn to the film, but if you haven’t seen the original, it won’t like hold any interest for you.
(#2) This doesn’t have quite the impact as the prior design, though it’s a bit more familiar with Cruise in more accessible view.
(#3) It’s got the elements people will want without the filler, but that’s not enough to make an appealing design.
(#4) This is the first of the theater sound platform posters, which never seem to be terribly creative. (#5) A nice balance of images put together in an uncommon format, though that in itself feels unexceptional. (#6-#9) The continuation of the format designs and not a single one of them is very interesting. (#10-#18) A staid grouping of character designs that aren’t distinct enough to stand alone and none of which seem effective at selling the posters themselves. (#19) This piece of artwork has a nice balance of images and design, though it has a strangely empty backdrop.
Trailer Rating: C+ / C+ / C+
Review: (#1) If you feel the need, the need for speed, this trailer might give you a bit of life. There isn’t much here, especially not plot wise, but if you have an interesting in the Top Gun sequel of 34 years later, then this trailer might just give you goosebumps.
(#2) If you’ve been excited at the prospects of a Top Gun sequel, then this trailer might just speak to you as it pushes a lot of the buttons potential fans might enjoy. However, it still doesn’t quite look like a film that’s needed.
(#3) It almost feels like the studio isn’t trying. It’s going for the quick, easy homage rather than trying to present a story audiences might want to see. Pulling in fans of the original is advisable, but neglecting non-fans is not.
Oscar Prospects:
The original 1986 film was nominated for Best Film Editing, Best Sound, and Best Sound Effects Editing. It was also nominated for and won Best Original Song. Lightning won’t likely strike twice, but I could see both sound categories being in play once again.
Trailer #1
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