




Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Poster Rating: C

Review: The pull-my-finger humor is troubling, but anyone who gets the joke from the poster will easily understand the film’s style of humor.

Trailer Rating: B+

Review: An amazingly talented group of actors grace this seemingly uproarious comedy. Tackling ten stories, likely interwoven, each focusing on each of the ten commandments, the creators hope to tickle the funny bone while irreverently tackling a taboo topic. If the film’s like the preview, we could be laughing at how unbelievably ludicrous everything is.

Oscar Prospects:

Not the kind of film the Oscars could see themselves honoring.

Release Date:

August 3, 2007

Page Revisions:

June 16, 2007 – Original

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