Page Revisions:
(April 19, 2020) Original
Release Date:
August 14, 2020
From IMDb: “An orphaned girl discovers a magical garden hidden at her strict uncle’s estate.”
Poster Rating: B- / B / B-
Review: (#1 & #3) These two designs are slightly different from one another, but are built on the same premise. While the latter design has a few more interesting details, it isn’t appreciably better. (#2) An interesting and artful design that has a few small details that are distracting (such as the completely vacant lower portion), those details don’t utterly distract from the loveliness of the design.
Trailer Rating: B
Review: Any child who became enchanted with this book in grade school will likely form a connection to the material to feel like it must be seen. That said, there have been two prior versions of the film that were delightful in their own way, so perhaps it will only be younger audiences who are enamored with the story who have parents who also loved it willing to introduce them to another new version.
Oscar Prospects:
Prior versions of this adaptation haven’t exactly done well at the Oscars, but this being a strange year, if it ends up releasing, it could be a contender for Production Design and Costume Design nominations.
Trailer #1
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