




Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Poster Rating: B

Review: Symbolically, the poster is strong. The artwork helps convey an old-style quality and the title is apatentDr. Strangelove rip off but overall, it’s interesting to look at.

Trailer Rating: C+

Review: Documentaries have always brought important social issues to the screen and The Prisoner tackles one of the most volatile. An Iraqi journalist detained in Abu Ghraib of suspicion in a plot to assassinate Tony Blair, tells his story in an apparently humorous fashion. Though taking a comic approach to such a dire situation might backfire, one can hope that the preview only capitalizes on the humor (not necessarily a good thing) and the film doesn’t actually provide it. It’s a risky gamble that isn’t likely to pay off.

Oscar Prospects:

It’s a humorous documentary about a devastating situation. I don’t see Oscar voters cozying up to this one, though it certainly could benefit if the war continues to go badly and public support rises.

Release Date:

March 23, 2007

Page Revisions:

March 28, 2007 – Original

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