Page Revisions:
(September 5, 2021) Original
(November 14, 2021) New Trailer (#2) — New Posters (#2-#5)
Release Date:
December 1, 2021
From IMDb: “Charismatic rancher Phil Burbank inspires fear and awe in those around him. When his brother brings home a new wife and her son, Phil torments them until he finds himself exposed to the possibility of love.”
Poster Rating: C- / C- / C- / C- / C+
Review: (#1) The denim and overalls don’t add anything of importance to this poster, which results in a rather dull design.
(#2-#4) This series of posters seems to follow in line with the prior, which doesn’t make for a very interesting set of designs individually, but create more of a sense of time and place when looked at together. (#5) Of all the designs that have come before it, this one actually stands out as a very interesting play on the film’s events and is thereby more interesting than the rest.
Trailer Rating: B / B
Review: (#1) The plot is poorly conveyed in this trailer and we get almost nothing of the film’s importance or potential. That said, there are some interesting elements here that might make it worth checking out.
(#2) Another well apportioned trailer with a more significant view of the plot with the same visual and aural nature of the first trailer, giving us a new respect for the film’s potential.
Oscar Prospects:
Jane Campion hasn’t been in the Oscar conversation with any certainty since 1993, but this is sounding more and more like a major contender.
Trailer #1
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