Page Revisions:
(September 12, 2021) Original
(December 12, 2021) New Trailer (#2) — New Posters (#2-#16) — New Plot Summary
(December 19, 2021) New Posters (#17-#22)
Release Date:
December 22, 2021
From IMDb: “Follows Neo who is living an ordinary life in San Francisco, where his therapist prescribes him blue pills. However, Morpheus offers him the red pill and reopens his mind to the world of the Matrix.”
Poster Rating: C+ / C / C / D / C- / D / C- (8) / C / C+ / C+ (6)
Review: (#1) As much as the red pill-blue pill motif is familiar to fans of the series, the lack of other detail doesn’t add anything at all to the design.
(#2) So many billowing cloaks and not enough intriguing concepts. This design feels busy without need. (#3) A little simplified and fitting, but not as exciting or creative as it should be. (#4) Talk about a lazy design, this one really doesn’t do much and while it reminds the viewer of the bullet-stopping original, it does nothing else with a horrendous white background. (#5) The familiar green and black aesthetic doesn’t give the viewer much of note, especially since the rain doesn’t quite look like falling code, which would have been much more interesting. (#6) Nothing to see here, just a simple foreign teaser. (#7-#14) This series of character posters is interesting enough, but the uninspired backgrounds seem like a dodge. (#15) It’s a closer-up version of an earlier design and it’s not more interesting and thereby less impressive. (#16) Perhaps a bit too chaotic, the concept is interesting enough to be worth looking at and it represents one of the better IMAX poster designs.
(#17-#22) These character posters are too simple, and while they have the red-blue dichotomy, the blank backgrounds and still figures make it all rather dull.
Trailer Rating: B+ / B
Review: (#1) It’s been a long time since The Matrix and its disappointing sequels hit theaters, but we’re returning to the well and this trailer does a fine job enticing the series’ fans to give this new one a chance.
(#2) Somehow, adding more information about the plot to the trailer doesn’t improve its ability to build interest in the audience. Sure, there are some fascinating visual moments in the trailer and some nice callbacks, but it never feels like a movie worth seeing except for nostalgia’s sake.
Oscar Prospects:
The original film was a big Oscar contender, but the subsequent ones weren’t. This one has time to give it some space, so it could do decently, but probably only in Sound and Visual Effects categories.
Trailer #1
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