Page Revisions:
(April 14, 2019) Original
(August 11, 2019) New Posters (#2-#15) / New Trailer (#2)
Release Date:
October 11, 2019
From IMDb: “An animated version of Charles Addams’ series of cartoons about a peculiar, ghoulish family.”
Poster Rating: B / C (9) / C / C+ (4)
Review: (#1) Not very creepy. A little bit kooky. Not altogether ooky. Though, it is the Addams Family as originally envisioned by Charles Addams rather than either previous incarnation.
(#2-#10) This character poster series has no background detail and while varying the colors between each, that’s not enough to express creativity. On top of that, the taglines are atrocious. (#11) A mediocre backdrop and a lack of exciting energy make for a rather dull design. (#12-#15) Unlike the prior set of character posters, this batch has more detail in the background, but they feels haphazard and rushed.
Trailer Rating: C+ / B-
Review: (#1) We’ll all be attempting to evoke the original Addams Family TV theme in our reviews, but the trailer doesn’t quite encapsulate those versus, which makes the first trailer a bit disappointing.
(#2) While there are certain elements to this new trailer that look modestly amusing, the cheap execution and dull, faux hip-hop influence are grating.
Oscar Prospects:
An Animated Feature nomination is possible. A win is unlikely.
Trailer #1
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