Page Revisions:
(May 16, 2021) Original
(July 25, 2021) New Posters (#2-#4)
Release Date:
July 30, 2021
From IMDb: “A father travels from Oklahoma to France to help his daughter who has been arrested for murder.”
Poster Rating: C / C+ / C+ / C-
Review: (#1) This will appeal to a rather unusual demographic, one that probably won’t care much for the mystery.
(#2) There’s not a lot here, but the block lettering feels overbearing and difficult to read. (#3) It’s a nice balance of images, though it’s perhaps a bit too bright for its own good. (#4) Using the same Matt Damon image for all of the designs is a mistake. This one in particular is poorly induced and the insets are particularly off-putting.
Trailer Rating: B-
Review: The down home feel of the protagonist doesn’t sufficiently offset the foreign setting, which barely looks foreign. On top of that, we know little about the story at the heart of the film and that’s a huge problem.
Oscar Prospects:
Todd McCarthy has an uneven history with the Academy, but his past success makes this at least a small contender..
Trailer #1
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