Page Revisions:
(October 17, 2021) Original
(November 14, 2021) New Trailer (#2) — New Posters (#3-#6)
Release Date:
November 24, 2021
From IMDb: “Set in 1998, this ‘Resident Evil’ origin story explains the secrets of the Spencer Mansion and Raccoon City.”
Poster Rating: B / C / B- / C (2) / C
Review: (#1) The umbrella logo in actual umbrella form has a creepy authenticity with a solid background locale design that almost works. (#2) The umbrella logo once again dominates, but it’s a visually ugly design.
(#3) The faint, but obvious, umbrella logo adds little to this design, which arrays the characters in a false-seeming outdoor setting. (#4-#5) This pair of poster designs are nearly identical with slight changes from the French first design to the Spanish second design. Not distinctive enough to be looked at separately and not good enough to be that great. (#6) Back to the environs character posters that started out this series, which is still limitedly interesting.
Trailer Rating: C- / C+
Review: (#1) Taking this prequel back to the origin is a nice idea, but the constant barrage of gross-out monsters and tension-less scares wrings out all of the potential the idea might once have had.
(#2) A lot more of the horror vibe this time around and while it still doesn’t give the audience sufficient understanding of the plot, the end result is still something mildly interesting.
Oscar Prospects:
Trailer #1
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