Page Revisions:
(January 15, 2023) Original
(March 26, 2023) New Trailer (#2)
(April 2, 2023) New Trailer (#3)
(April 9, 2023) New Posters (#2-#4)
Release Date:
April 14, 2023
From IMDb: “Dracula’s henchman and inmate at the lunatic asylum.”
Poster Rating: C / C (3)
Review: (#1) There’s a bit too much PhotoShop work done here as Nicholas Hoult barely looks like himself, rather a much younger, much more teen idol-appropriate look, which might appeal to the target demo, but is ultimately misleading. The rest of the design lacks significant detail and while having no names won’t diminish Nicolas Cage’s presence, there’s just not enough here to look at.
(#2-#4) This series of character posters look horrendously cheap and while you can easily identify all but one of the actors, none of them are going to make a dent in anticipation for the film.
Trailer Rating: C+ / C / C+
Review: (#1) A trailer must get into the story quickly enough so as not to reveal too much information, yet still make the content interesting. This trailer almost does that with most of the time being spent getting to know this character. Then, they go for the reveal and it’s too much information and there just doesn’t seem to be enough content left to make the story intriguing enough to get involved with.
(#2) More details about the film’s narrative are finally emerging and it looks dreadfully hollow, forced, and a bit mawkish. For fans of these actors, it might have some broad appeal, but this trailer isn’t going to do much to convince the average viewer to give it a chance.
(#3) There’s not much more here than the audience has gotten from the prior trailers and the red band warning is because of the excess of blood on screen briefly in a couple of scenes without any emphasis on crude language, which makes the effort feel tame and won’t enthuse those who expect more.
Oscar Prospects:
It could be a contender for Best Makeup & Hairstyling, but not in other categories.
Trailer #1
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