




Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Poster Rating: B-

Review: Very similar in design to the romantic comedy posters like the other new poster this week: Feast of Love, Rendition‘s poster is more visually appealing than the aforementioned and uses more cinematic detail to relate the characters to one another.

Trailer Rating: B+

Review: There aren’t many previews of upcoming Oscar contenders that look more interesting than this. We get to see two sides of our main star (Jake Gyllenhaal) and a less irritating performance from Reese Witherspoon.

Oscar Prospects:

This film is one of the early Oscar contenders that could fall if it doesn’t live up to expectations. It’s politically charged and far more engaging than other films of its kind. Gyellenhaal is one of Hollywood’s hottest young actors and with Zodiac also this year, we could see him figure in several critics races.

Release Date:

October 19, 2007

Page Revisions:

August 18, 2007 – Original
September 15, 2007 – New Poster

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