




Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Poster Rating: –

Review: There was no poster immediately available for my review. Should one become available in the future, this section will be updated.

Trailer Rating: B-

Review: Roy E. Disney appears to be trying to follow in his uncle’s footsteps. Walt was a strong presence in the short film and documentary film business and this appears like an opportunity to follow those steps. It seems like a strong concept and should be moderately interesting.

Oscar Prospects:

It’s possible the Feelgoods out there will want something a little less dark to recognize at the Oscars, but I don’t think this will be the film that takes the more traditional spot in the nominations.

Release Date:

FallI have not seen this film.

Page Revisions:

July 20, 2008 – Original

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