Page Revisions:
(December 4, 2022) Original
(April 16, 2023) New Trailer (#2) — New Poster (#2)
(June 25, 2023) New Posters (#3-#15)
Release Date:
June 30, 2023
From IMDb: “The plot is unknown at this time.”
Poster Rating: C / A / B- (2) / C / C / B+ / C+ (7) / B
Review: (#1) A dull design that will certainly tell the audience who to expect, but there’s nothing of excitement in terms of design quality, just a sort of generic teaser poster.
(#2) A visual, stylistic callback to the original designs, this hand-drawn effort is a lovely fit to a film that must build on its predecessors’ nostalgia factors, which works. The only quibble is the empty space at the bottom, but that’s easily ignorable.
(#3-#4) These format designs are creative and detailed, though they have a lot of empty space that seems unnecessary with the Dolby version being better at space utilization. (#5) The whip is iconic, but this poster is dull and too empty. (#6) Also using the whip motif, this format design at least has some visual distinctiveness that makes it mildly more appealing. (#7) Space utilization is quite good with this design and it might be one of the better ones to come out of this series. (#8-#14) These character posters are cohesive and have unique backgrounds, but the foreground characters don’t excite. (#15) This final effort has a lot of details, but also has a lot of wasted space and the arrangement is bland.
Trailer Rating: B+ / B
Review: (#1) The trailer hits all the high notes one would expect from this series, calling back to past adventures, and highlighting the myriad stunning locales and visuals the film has to offer. The only major drawback is the terribly translation of the original theme. Trying to make it sound more bombastic only highlights how good the original was that we would rather just hear the original cues.
(#2) While it has the excitement and adventure one would come to expect, the nostalgia factor is a bit out of sorts here. Harrison Ford’s voice is a bit too gruff for the effort and they don’t make sufficient effort to clean that up, though they do minimize its impact on the trailer.
Oscar Prospects:
The first film earned 8 Oscar nominations and won four of those plus a special award for its sound effects. The second film got two nominations, winning one. The third film earned three nominations, again winning one. The fourth film was utterly ignored. The chances of this one also earning nothing are high, but if it’s a return to the level of quality of the previous entries in the film (less the fourth), it could well pick up one or two nods, but wins seem unlikely.
Trailer #1
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