




Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Poster Rating: B

Review: A sight seldom seen: the poster is better than the trailer. We know the feature’s likely to be extremely patriotic and won’t likely present too much anti-war commentary so
the poster fits amazingly well into that mold. The silhouette of a soldier against a background featuring vertical bars of the stars in alternating red and white with a hint of the road home down which the soldier is returning all fit incredibly well together.

Trailer Rating: C

Review: There’s no question that this film is timed with the war in Iraq. And knowing that, it’s motives are immediately suspect. Although the trailer suggests were going to have a compelling look at the lives of soldiers returning home after a brush with death but will it resolve itself happily? Most likely. And that’s what may ultimately sink it.

Oscar Prospects:

Samuel L. Jackson hasn’t had an Oscar-calibre film in a long time and with Hollywood as dutifully anti-war as anyone, it’s not likely they’ll recognize the film at this year’s ceremony.

Release Date:

May 11, 2007

Page Revisions:

May 12, 2007 – Original

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