Page Revisions:
(July 3, 2022) Original
(September 18, 2022) New Trailer (#2) — New Posters (#2-#3)
Release Date:
September 30, 2022
From IMDb: “Three young women accidentally bring back the Sanderson Sisters to modern day Salem and must figure out how to stop the child-hungry witches from wreaking havoc on the world.”
Poster Rating: C / C+ / B-
Review: (#1) The trite tagline reminds unflatteringly of Pitch Perfect 2+ and the silhouette element an unnecessary tease. At least the design has some color to it.
(#2) A nice use of colors doesn’t make up for the lack of details and the generic feeling of the effort. (#3) This does better passing the content to the viewer in a visually pleasing way, but isn’t much improved over the prior design.
Trailer Rating: B- / C+
Review: (#1) The trailer does fine setting up the premise, but spends too little time on the Sanderson sisters who are, by all accounts, the draw for the film itself. A tease for certain, but a decent one.
(#2) There’s a little more of the Sandersons here and a little more of the premise, but this feels like the natural follow up to a teaser not as a re-arrangement of the prior effort. It doesn’t really seem to have a purpose as the second trailer for the film.
Oscar Prospects:
The original wasn’t nominated in the makeup category, but this sequel has a chance, along with citations for production design and costume design. However, with it being a sequel, its chances are minimal.
Trailer #1
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