Page Revisions:
(March 12, 2023) Original
(May 21, 2023) New Trailer (#2) — New Poster (#3)
(July 23, 2023) New Trailer (#3) — New Posters (#4-#16)
Release Date:
July 28, 2023
From IMDb: “A single mom named Gabbie hires a tour guide, a psychic, a priest, and a historian to help exorcise their newly bought mansion; after discovering it is inhabited by ghosts.”
Poster Rating: C+ / C+ / B- / C+ / C / B (10) / C+
Review: (#1) This twisty hallway is an interesting effect and works well enough as a teaser. (#2) Another interesting design that doesn’t tell us too much about the film itself.
(#3) It has a haunting aesthetic that works and your eyes are drawn to the medium and her crystal ball, which helps distract from the paucity of background details and the lack of details in general.
(#4-#5) These two format designs differ in terms of creative energy with the 4DX being the more interesting of the two. (#6-#15) These character posters are unique, colorful, and appealing. The tarot deck motif was successfully employed. (#16) The titling gets more interesting details than the rest of the design. It has its moments, but they are easily forgettable.
Trailer Rating: C / B / B
Review: (#1) Disney’s strange obsession with turning its rides into movies doesn’t look to have a very compelling friend in this film that meanders around its plot while trying to suggest chills, thrills, and laughs, but doesn’t adequately deliver on any of them.
(#2) While this trailer goes far too much into the antics of the characters and not enough into the plot, one can’t help but being enticed by something that looks genuinely off-kilter and which is leaning into the cornball everyone thinks it’s going to be.
(#3) We’re given a lot more attempts at humor and a whole lot more action than in the prior effort. This feels more like the kind of Disney movie we’ve come to expect over the years, but that might not be a net positive.
Oscar Prospects:
The film could compete in a few categories like Costume Design and Visual Effects.
Trailer #1
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