




Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Poster Rating: B

Review: Simplicity is often more effective than complexity. In this, we have Naomi Watts crying. It should be enough to bring in any audiences who want to see that. Joking aside, it is completely appropriate to the film’s themes. The major flaw is we just saw a poster like this when the horror film Captivity was released.

Trailer Rating: C+

Review: This exploitive drama is a Michael Haneke remake of a Michael Haneke film. That’s questionable as it is. There’s an A Clockwork Orange feel to this movie, which doesn’t help the film with audiences, though may appeal to critics. Unfortunately, the preview’s not engaging and the pretentiousness oozes from the screen.

Oscar Prospects:

I can’t see a film like A Clockwork Orange succeeding in our current day. There are too many mitigating factors, most of which have to do with this period of lackluster, uncontroversial pics parading to the Oscar stage.

Release Date:

March 14, 2008

Page Revisions:

November 10, 2007 – Original
December 1, 2007 – Page Corrected to display Trailer Link.
December 8, 2007 – New Release Date (changed from 2/15/08)

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