Page Revisions:
(January 3, 2021) Original
(January 24, 2021) New Trailer (#2) — New Poster (#5)
Release Date:
February 5, 2021
From IMDb: “A conservative father moves from his rural farm to live with his gay son’s family in Los Angeles.”
Poster Rating: C- / C / C / C+ / C-
Review: (#1) This looks nothing like Lance Henriksen. Looks more like Mel Brooks, except clearly taller. Not that Henriksen would be a draw, but these Nordic actors working together makes for an interesting combination. (#2) Incredibly dull with nothing that seems to want to entice the audience, though certainly a little better than the prior design. (#3) What this has to do with the film itself is beyond anyone’s guess other than through supposition and that’s not a great way to sell your film. (#4) Although it does a much better job of telling elements of the story that the trailer and prior designs don’t, it also has a rather commonplace design, though the increasing size of the image bands is unique enough.
(#5) It’s the first design with lots of minor, unexceptional changes.
Trailer Rating: C+ / B-
Review: (#1) As the first poster suggests, the pairing of two actors of Nordic descent (Mortensen is of Danish heritage and Henriksen has Norwegian blood) is a compelling one, though one that doesn’t seem like it’s explored in the trailer. The film does seem a bit unexceptional in terms of its familiarity, but it could be worth something if given a look.
(#2) This production looks just a bit better in the second trailer, which sets up more of the narrative ideas and pivot points, making the film look just a bit more appealing, but also making neither actor look incredibly interesting.
Oscar Prospects:
Perhaps some talk of acting nominations, but the film’s so late entering the race that it’s unlikely.
Trailer #1
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