




Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Poster Rating: D+

Review: There is nothing interesting about this poster. Simplistic background color and varied-size characters along with a title is horribly uninteresting.

Trailer Rating: B-; C

Review: Could this be anymore obvious? This is the Jim Carrey/Steve Carell Show. Their distinctive vocal styles feel completely unwieldy when applied to Dr. Seuss. This will very easily appeal to mass audiences the way that The Grinch Who Stole Christmas with Carrey did. This is all animated, though, so we must rely solely on their vocal talents to sell the film. And they will.

Not that I was overwhelmingly impressed with the first trailer, this second one confirms all my direst suspicions. It takes Dr. Seuss’ story and turns it into a yuk fest for Carell and Carrey, pasting in cartoon cliches left and right and failing to truly engage the viewer. It’ll probably succeed, but mostly on name recognition and the promise of a kid-friendly tale.

Oscar Prospects:

One of the first out-of-the-gate contenders for next year’s Animated Feature Oscar. Although it’s likely to be forgotten in the 9 months that follow, there will certainly be some manner of push.

Release Date:

March 14, 2008

Page Revisions:

August 4, 2007 – Original
December 15, 2007 – New Trailer
December 22, 2007 – New Poster
February 16, 2008 – New Title
February 24, 2008 – Buy the Poster Enabled

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