Page Revisions:
(September 18, 2022) Original
(November 6, 2022) New Trailer (#2) — New Posters (#2-#10)
Release Date:
November 24, 2022
From IMDb: “Ten years after her happily ever after, Giselle questions her happiness, inadvertently turning the lives of those in the real world and Andalasia upside down in the process.”
Poster Rating: C+ / B- (9)
Review: (#1) All the characters are here, but the background details are indistinct and the proportion of the figures in the poster doesn’t feel well chosen or interesting.
(#2-#10) These character posters are largely distinct from one another, but share a common theme, which makes them visually striking. There aren’t a lot of background details, but the individuality of each design works largely for the good of the whole.
Trailer Rating: B / B-
Review: (#1) The post-Happily Ever After motif is given little attention here as is the shifty of Adams’ character towards evil rather than the abject good she was previously. That might play into the character’s naivety a bit, but what surrounds her is a film that looks a lot more interesting without her in it.
(#2) The first film had its own unique hook and was quite charming. This film looks to take on a different hook, but it looks like one that stays close to the spirit of the original while going in a different direction. The effects work looks solid and the narrative twists seem more interesting than before, but the trailer packs in far too much material, which will either result in the main film feeling less special or will threaten to give away enough of the film’s plot trajectory to be interesting.
Oscar Prospects:
The first film succeeded at scoring three Oscar nominations, but they were all for song. That can’t happen anymore, but one or two songs might be in contention. However, the rest of the film won’t be, especially since Amy Adams was ignored for the first film.
Trailer #1
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