Page Revisions:
(August 28, 2022) Original
(September 25, 2022) New Trailer (#2) — New Poster (#4)
Release Date:
October 14, 2022
From IMDb: “A detective investigating a man’s death in the mountains meets the dead man’s mysterious wife in the course of his dogged sleuthing.”
Poster Rating: C (2) / B- / C+
Review: (#1-#2) These canvas-like designs might have thematic resonance, but for a casual viewer, it’s not obvious, nor appealing. (#3) The white background is a mistake, but the circular image at the center has some creative and intriguing elements. From the distant figures on craggy outcroppings to the waves crashing at one man’s feet.
(#4) The background is a little sparse, though this does a better job of conveying the premise of the film while keeping the painterly aesthetic of prior designs.
Trailer Rating: D / B
Review: (#1) A teaser trailer for a foreign language film? That doesn’t seem like the wisest decision, especially when you don’t give the audience any notions about what the film is trying to say or why they should watch it.
(#2) The premise has something of an edge to it, but it’s built so solidly on the notion that it’s the latest Parasite-like South Korean feature is a bit too much of a hard sell approach. The trailer could have spoken much more honestly about its content and made the film feel interesting as a result.
Oscar Prospects:
The trailer doesn’t suggest it is, but this could do well in the International Feature category.
Trailer #1
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