Page Revisions:
(October 10, 2021) Original
(November 14, 2021) New Trailer (#2)
Release Date:
November 19, 2021
From IMDb: “A radio journalist embarks on a a cross-country trip with his young nephew.”
Poster Rating: C- (3)
Review: (#1-#3) These three maps are alarmingly dull. A blank backdrop and limitedly expressive characters, it all feels very unappealing. The fact that they chose to do three of them is rather surprising.
Trailer Rating: C+ / C+
Review: (#1) If you were sold on this film before seeing the trailer, you might find yourself dialing back expectations with a narrative that lacks freshness and a black-and-white design that doesn’t seem to have purpose.
(#2) Little in the way of new information is provided, though the attempt to sell the audience on the strength of critics’ reactions is now included. Ultimately, there’s nothing particularly compelling going on here.
Oscar Prospects:
Mike Mills’ films have been hit or miss with the Academy and while the buzz on this is adequate, it may not be enough to propel it all the way to the Oscars except in a writing capacity.
Trailer #1
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