




Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Poster Rating: D+

Review: The Washington Monument draws your attention down to a scene that isn’t very interesting. With Ryan Phillippe closer to Chris Cooper than to the symbol of America, the poster would suggest failure for Phillippe, which I’m sure is not the impression the filmmakers would want to give.

Trailer Rating: B

Review: Two terrific actors (Cooper, Laura Linney) and one above average actor whose slowly improving his acting (Phillippe) make this one of the more interesting projects. Though the preview appears to be your standard CIA potboiler, the performances may very well save it.

Oscar Prospects:

Broken record time: Early positioning in the year spells disaster for any serious film even with wonderful actors. This doesn’t look like the next The Silence of the Lambs so it won’t be that successful at the Oscars either and probably not at all.

Release Date:

February 16, 2007

Page Revisions:

March 28, 2007 – Original

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