Page Revisions:
(August 25, 2019) Original
(October 20, 2019) New Trailer (#2) / New Poster (#1)
(December 8, 2019) New Poster (#2)
Release Date:
December 20, 2019
From IMDb: “A few women decide to take on Fox News boss Roger Ailes and the toxic male culture he presided over at the network.”
Poster Rating: C / C-
Review: (#1) If these three blondes (bombshells if you will) look quite a bit alike to you, then you’ve picked up on one of the less notorious aspects of the Fox News/Roger Ailes case. The design itself isn’t very interesting on the whole, but the symbolism makes up for some of the weaknesses.
(#2) This Japanese design is a most tepid and uninspiring one with nothing to sell it besides its stars.
Trailer Rating: A / B-
Review: (#1) The combination of music and tension in this trailer, what appears to be a single scene from the film, promises a riveting portrait with stellar performances from its stars.
(#2) Less riveting than the first trailer, this second one does give the audience a better view of the players and the premise, but it definitely doesn’t seem as interesting.
Oscar Prospects:
With this cast, there’s little doubt that this film could contender. Director Jay Roach, who directed Bryan Cranston to an Oscar nominee, but has been otherwise inconsequential in the Oscar race, may have struck the kind of subject matter that will build into the zeitgeist well enough to score several nominations, especially for its Oscar-nominated and winning stars.
Trailer #1
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