Page Revisions:
(October 30, 2022) Original
(January 15, 2023) New Trailer (#2) — New Posters (#3-#4)
(February 12, 2023) New Posters (#5-#17)
Release Date:
February 17, 2023
From IMDb: “Scott Lang and Hope Van Dyne, along with Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyne, explore the Quantum Realm, where they interact with strange creatures and embark on an adventure that goes beyond the limits of what they thought was possible.”
Poster Rating: C / C / B- / C+ / B- (7) / B- / B+ / C+ / C / C+ / C
Review: (#1) A busy poster that doesn’t say much at all. That makes the effort rather dull. (#2) While this design speaks better to an element of the theme of the film, it’s not visually compelling, stuck with a very limited and mediocre palette.
(#3) There’s something to be said for subtlety in poster design. While the main details aren’t terribly subtle, it’s the smaller elements that make up the lower parts of the design that have a subtlety to them that requires attention be paid to seeking them out that make this design worthwhile. (#4) This has little subtlety in the design and thus all of the elements are obvious and while that has its benefits, the structure and layout of the design feels a little too haphazard.
(#5-#11) An interesting series of character posters with unique elements, including colors, in each. This is what a solid set of character posters should look like. (#12) While it has an interesting aesthetic, it’s fairly simplistic and doesn’t have any creative energy. (#13) Lots of interesting details here and with each segment unique in its own way, it’s largely a pleasure to explore the poster with your eyes. While there’s plenty of individuality here, there aren’t enough apropos elements that go beyond filler. (#14) While there is a nice balance of images, the colors don’t flow well together and the palette just feels amorphous. (#15) There’s just not a lot to this design. It’s limited with few characters and even the affectations seem to be kept to a minimum. It’s pretty dull. (#16) The limitation of color in this design does help accentuate the few bits of non-blue elements, but there doesn’t seem to be a purpose to said highlights. (#17) Like design 15, this poster lacks the creative execution that we come to demand from posters. The colors don’t blend well, the fluidic element just makes it feel lazy, not interesting.
Trailer Rating: B- / C+
Review: (#1) The film’s setup is adequately presented, but there’s a general lack of snark and humor, which has always been this character’s movies’ best selling point. A wasted opportunity.
(#2) The introduction of a villain is always a tricky prospect of getting right and this trailer somewhat does it, but in doing so, it gives away reams of information about the plot that don’t quite make the film more interesting to watch.
Oscar Prospects:
A Visual Effects nomination wouldn’t be unexpected.
Trailer #1
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