Page Revisions:
(December 8, 2019) Original
Release Date:
September 13, 2019
From IMDb: “A gripping story of a three-month-long journey that renowned Polish reporter Ryszard Kapuscinski took across Angola ravaged by a war in which the front lines shifted like a kaleidoscope from one day to the next.”
Poster Rating: B / C+ / C+
Review: (#1) An animated taken on a traditional poster design style with various elements rising in a varied-width column through the center of the design. It’s a fantastic look even with the large amount of vacant space. (#2) A chaotic design that doesn’t seem to know where it wants to go or what it wants to do, creating too much visual clutter. (#3) The large lettering appears to be wasting a lot of space, but it has a certain appeal to it.
Trailer Rating: B-
Review: These kinds of documentary-like animated features have found a consistent audience and the trailer showcases just the kind of based-on-real-life story that typifies this style of pseudo-documentary.
Oscar Prospects:
It’s one of 32 films competing for five spots in Best Animated Feature. It’s perhaps a bit too adult for some voters, but should still be a decent competitor.
Trailer #1
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